Welcome to JASPER International Journal for the Advancement of Scientific Psychoanalytic Empirical Research (J.A.S.P.E.R.)
Hi, and a warm welcome to everyone! Brace yourselves. You're in for a treat. J.A.S.P.E.R. international ain't gonna be "Yer Old Fogies" research journal. Quite the contrary. We believe that science can be both serious and fun, without having to be dry and stodgy. Some of you may worry that empirical studies of psychoanalysis will be akin to removing the paint brush from the artist , or worse, that we will become paint-by-the -numbers, manual-driven psychotherapists. That is not what this journal is all about.
Frank Summers, past president of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of the American Psychological Association, and author of The Psychoanalytic Vision, once said that those who define the terms of the discourse win the argument. We wish to be the determiners of our own destiny. Thus, we must not allow Big Pharma, Wall Street, or others to define our work. That is why this psychoanalytic research journal is so greatly needed and why it was created. It is the hope of all of us here who support this start-up journal that our authors and subscribers will view J.A.S.P.E.R. as an exciting place, and will fill it with their brain-storming, fresh ideas, and intellectually stimulating concepts. J.A.S.P.E.R. will reflect the work of current authors who have been in the field for some time, as well newly minted research-minded professionals from various disciplines who wish to use the J.A.S.P.E.R. forum as a means of contributing their special expertise. Now, what we will need are interesting writers and interested readers. So, when deciding where to publish your research manuscript allow us, here at J.A.S.P.E.R., to be your baby's good transitional object. For further clarifications- please see Information for Authors. |
![]() •Burton Seitler--KEYNOTES;
•Jack Schwartz--Breaking the Code--Dreams Part III of his JASPER dream series;
•Robert M. Gordon--Empirical Study comparing Trump, Putin, Zelenskyy;
•Denis J. O'Keefe, Bandy X. Lee, et al
Silence vs Bearing Witness: Mental Health Professionals' Responsibility to Society in a time of Perilous Politics (a quantitative analysis).
All of us at JASPER are excited to announce that
our 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1 recently won the prestigious
GRADIVA AWARD for one of our articles.
This is an immensely proud moment in our brief existence as an independent psychoanalytic research journal.
On behalf of our Editorial Board, we wish to thank the
National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP)
for recognizing our hard work and for bestowing
this wonderful honor on us.
Burton N. Seitler, PhD
Grace E. Jackson, MD
Copyright © 2016-2025 Burton Norman Seitler
Website by MCS Consulting